Tuesday, May 31, 2011

Important Dog Feeding Guidelines to Remember

10 Rules for Feeding your Dog

Dog Feeding Guideline #1: FEED AT LEAST TWICE A DAY

A grown up dog needs to be fed twice a day. Puppies eat smaller portions and are fed four times a day. When your dog is suffering gastro-intestinal upsets it's better to give less food more often a day, instead of two larger meals.

Risk: Feeding a larger portion only once a day increases the risk of bloat, which is a twisting of the stomach that can be fatal. Some dog breeds are more prone to bloat then others. Small dogs generally are at low risk of developing bloat. When you have a large dog it's preferable to feed from an elevated dog bowl rather than have the bowl on the floor. This is believed to reduce chances of stomach twists.

Dog Feeding Guideline #2: FEED WITH YOUR EYES

On the dog food package you will find feeding guidelines where you can find how much to feed for a dog of a particular size, age and/or weight. This a rough guideline as the energy requirements can vary by breed and by dog (one dog is taken for a stroll down the park whereas another is exercising heavily for the upcoming agility contest). Energy requirements also vary with age, health and reproductive status. You can even take outside temperature into account when your dog spends a lot of time out in the open. To establish the exact quantity of dog food is more an art than a science really. Have you ever calculated the amounts and types of food you put in your lunchbox?

Take the general advice on the package into account and modify the amount using your own critical judgement. You are the one that actually sees your dog, so you are in the best position to fine tune the general guideline.

Feeding with your eyes means you have to look at your dog. Examine his waistline for instance. Is he too thin... feed some more than the general guideline is saying. Is he overweight... then feed less. Meanwhile, continue observing his weight and activity level. You can weigh your dog every month to see whether you are on the right track. Make adjustments to the feeding schedule when required.

When in doubt remember it's better to feed a little less than to overfeed your canine. You can remove dog food that is not eaten after 10 to 15 minutes.

Risk: Too thin or overweight dogs. When you consequently overfeed your dog as opposed to his activity level you'll end up with an obese dog making him vulnerable to weight-related disorders.

Dog Feeding Guideline #3: FEEDING TIME

Some people claim your should feed your dog at the exact same time every day. But as I've never seen any dog make a true commitment in learning to tell time, this rule is not as strict as some people think it is. Remember that wild carnivores eat at irregular intervals. When your dog is used to getting his meal every day at 1800 hours sharp, you may find yourself hurrying home just because of this rule you made up. Don't go over the edge either but allow yourself a little timeframe.

Adult dogs can benefit from one day of fasting each week. This mimics their natural eating pattern in the wild and may benefit them. Fasting is not required though and should be avoided when your pooch is young, sick or underweight.


When you're feeding kibbles this won't be a problem. But when it comes to fish or meat you keep in the fridge you need to remind yourself to leave this for some time at room temperature. When you have frozen meat it is best to thaw this in about 3 hours at room temperature (do not use a micro wave since this may decrease the nutritional value for your dog).

Risk: Feeding cold dog food can, in sensitive dogs, result in stomach issues such as vomiting.

Dog Feeding Guideline #5: MAINTAIN HYGIENE

Provide fresh drinking water and clean the dog's bowl after dinner. Hygiene is of particular importance when you're feeding a raw meat diet. Take care when handling the meat in your kitchen and don't forget to clean the location where your dog is eating. Make sure he cannot drag the meat around the house. Your dog is better equipped to deal with raw meat, but you and your family must take precautions to prevent bacterial infections such as Salmonella, Campylobacter and E.coli.

Dog Feeding Guideline #6: FEED THE SAME DOG FOOD EVERY DAY
Though we like variation and can handle very different meals this is different for your tail-wagger. Generally, a dog cannot handle changes in food (of course there exist exceptions to every rule). When you need to change dog food you should do this gradually so the intestinal flora of your pooch doesn't get upset.

Risk: Changing dog food at once can result in stomach upsets and diarrhea.


Keep your dog's bowl in the same location as always.

It is often advised not disturb him when he's eating. This is fine of course since you like your enjoy your meal in peace as well, however one of the highest incidence rates of dog bites is when a dog's food is disturbed. So when training your dog let him get used to you taking away his food bowl when he's eating, put something extra in there (or just stick your hand in it) and then give it back to him. This way he'll get used to being disturbed during meals, thereby decreasing the risk of unfortunate bite incidents in the future.

Dog Feeding Guideline #8: PROVIDE WATER

Have a bowl of water available for your dog all the time.

Dog Feeding Guideline #9: PREVENT GULPING BEHAVIOR

When your dog is a very fast eater and empties his bowl in just seconds he'll probably also ingests air with his dog food. This can result in stomach and digestive upsets. When your pooch is one of these you can prevent the gulping behavior by placing a large object in the food bowl. You can get special dog dishes that have obstructive elements to make sure your dog isn't eating too fast.

When you think your dog is gulping because of competition with other dogs, then simply provide them their meals in separate rooms.

Dog Feeding Guideline #10: DEALING WITH SPECIALS

Limit food rewards and let your dog work for that tasty treat.

Be careful with table scraps. I don't know what you're having for dinner these days, but when it's fatty or spicy then you should never give this to your dog. When you have unsalted meaty and fishy leftovers (or raw uncooked kitchen counter scraps) this usually won't be an issue. When in doubt, throw your left-overs in the garbage bag. Know that some of the foods you enjoy can be toxic to your tail-wagger (for example chocolate, onions, raisins and grapes).

Avoid cooked bones as these can splinter and harm you furry friend. The nutritional value of cooked bones is less than that of raw bones anyway.

Avoid mineral and vitamin additives as this can create imbalances. Only veterinary prescribed supplements should be given.

For more information about dog allergies visit http://www.Best-Dog-Food-Guide.com Here you will find much more dog food related information. Subscribe to the e-zine to receive the free e-book 'A bit of Tender, Love and Care for Dogs'.
To stay tuned to dog food news and trends please pay a visit to http://www.dog-food-blog.com
All the best, Barbara.
Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Barbara_Kremers

Wednesday, May 25, 2011

How to Find the Perfect Dog House for Your Dog


In a perfect world, you will be able to keep your dog inside. But sometimes that just isn't possible. Perhaps your dog has outgrown your house, or you have a new baby or an elderly relative moving in that you are worried about your dog being around. In either case, the solution is not to simply cast your dog out into the backyard without any shelter. If your dog has to be outside most of the time, it is important to provide a dog house so your dog can continue to live safely and comfortably. Indeed, even if your dog is allowed in the house, a dog house can still be a good idea if your dog will be spending extended periods outside during the day. In such cases, a dog house will provide shade on sunny days, and warmth on cold days.

Choosing the Perfect Dog House

The most obvious factor to consider when choosing a dog house is the size of your dog. It should be spacious enough for your dog to stretch or to turn around. Don't buy one that is too large for your pet. Your dog will not be comfortable in a large empty space. Think about the places in your house where your dog likes to sleep and try to match that size; these places will usually be nestled into corners, or on landings, or curled up in a dog bed. Try to find the size that will make your dog as comfortable as possible.

The next important consideration is climate. If you live in a very hot place, get a dog house that is well ventilated. Some manufactures offer raised dog houses to allow for an even greater air flow around and through the dog house. Alternatively, if the heat is really bad, you can even purchase dog houses with air conditioning. If you choose to go this route, be sure that it has a door with a good seal to help keep the electricity bills down. If you are more concerned about snow than heat waves, choose a dog house that is waterproof and well insulated. As a bonus for your pet, you can purchase a heated pet bed.

Portable Dog Houses

If you only need a dog house on a temporary basis, you should consider purchasing a portable dog house. Resembling a small tent, they are collapsible and, as the name indicates, light and easy to transport. While not designed to withstand a winter storm, they are usually made of very breathable materials and can provided a convenient and comfortable home away from home when travelling with your dog. If you plan to use a portable dog house while on the road, however, you should get your dog used to using it at home first before trying it in a new place where your dog may feel ill at ease.

Building Your Own Dog House

As a final consideration, if you are particularly handy with tools, consider building the dog house yourself. A number of basic plans are available on the internet for you to choose from. Keep in mind, however, that depending how competent you are with woodwork, this may turn out to be a more expensive option. Additionally, ensure that the dog house you've made is stable and will withstand the elements before putting your dog in it for the night.

David Amos is a dog lover and long time dog owner. For more information about dog houses click Dog House and Dog Kennel [http://www.onlinedogcare.com/doghouse], and for more about dog training and keeping your dog happy click Dogs and Puppies Online.

How to Find the Best Deal on a Dog House

As you're no doubt aware, online shopping offers great selection and an easy way to compare prices on products. With gas prices being as high as they are, who needs to be driving around trying the find the best deal? Not me.

This article provides some tips for finding the best price online for a dog house. But before embarking on this bargain hunting mission, make sure you've narrowed down your dog house choice to one or two products. Do you want a traditional Snoopy style wooden dog house or a plastic one? Do you want cedar, pine, or some other kind of wood? Centered or off-set doorway? Insulated or not? These are the kind of questions you have to answer.

Ok, onto the good stuff. How much can you potentially save on a dog house by doing your homework? Well, you might be surprised. For a dog house in the $150 range, it's not uncommon for prices to vary by as much as $30 to $40 from the low to high end.

Don't believe it? Well, go to Froogle and search for "Tuff-n-rugged" (a popular plastic dog house) and check out the resulting prices. Just make sure you take shipping charges into consideration because some of the listed prices include shipping and some don't. Once you've "normalized" the prices, I think you'll find that some vendors offer much better deals than others.

One quick note: bargain hunting is most effective when you're looking for a popular model of dog house that is mass produced and available via multiple vendors. For the more expensive, custom-built houses, comparison shopping is more difficult because fewer vendors carry the product. For some houses, the only company selling it is the same one that built it.

Tip One - compare the price comparison engines

A number of online price comparison engines are available to help you track down the best deal on products. Froogle (from Google) was mentioned above. It is one of the more comprehensive because it doesn't charge merchants for inclusion in their listings. Some of the other popular price comparison sites are Yahoo!Shopping, PriceGrabber, Dealtime/Shopping.com, and Shopzilla.

PriceGrabber has a nice feature in which you can enter your zip code and get a bottom line price that includes shipping and taxes. However, the completeness of their listings for some dog house models leaves something to be desired.

One drawback that I've come across with the comparison engines is that they don't always adequately take dog house sizes into consideration. For example, if you do a search for "Extreme Outback dog house" in Froogle, one of the links provides a price comparison from four different vendors. The only problem is that one you bring up the page, the houses range in size from small to large. So you may end up with an apples to oranges comparison if you're not careful.

Something else to keep in mind with the price comparison services is that some (most?) allow stores to bid for enhanced placement in the results and pay on a per-click basis. This means the results are not necessarily ordered by price. Not that big of an issue but something to be aware of...

Tip Two - Discount coupons

There is an almost overwhelming number of sites offering discount coupons for every product imaginable, including dog houses and related accessories. The trick is knowing which sites are worthwhile and which are a waste of your time.

Some of the more worthwhile ones are: All Online Coupons, Coupon Craze, OnlyCoupons, and Wow-Coupons. You could also do a Google search for "discount coupons dog houses" and see what comes up at the top of the results. Usually, the first 3-4 search results are relevant and worthwhile.

I did a quick check when writing this page and found that Coupon Craze was offering several discount coupons for DogHouses.com. One of these was for 20% off on several popular models. That's not too shabby.

One of my pet peeves (pun intended) is that the vast majority of the discount coupon sites lack a search tool. It would be nice if you could just enter "dog house" in a search box and get results targeted to that query. Alas, that's not the case. Instead, many sites just provide a link to a Pets section and from there you have to browse for coupons. This works but the process is not as efficient as it could be.

Many of the discount coupon listings don't specifically mention dog houses. More commonly, they will provide the name of the store and something like "20% off $75 purchase". So, you have to know which stores carry dog houses for this info to be of any use. To help you out, here is a list of stores - that often show up in the discount coupon offerings - that do carry dog houses and/or dog containment systems: ActiveK9.com, Dog.com, DogDecor.com, DogHouses.com, Paws Up Pet Supply, Petco, PETsMART, SitStay.com

Of this list, the stores that offer the largest selection of dog houses are DogHouses.com, Petco, and PETsMART.

Tip Three - eBay it

You can save a considerable chunk of change by buying a dog house through eBay. Being the largest online auction service, it carries a fairly impressive selection of dog houses and other dog stuff. But... one of the challenges is finding a dog house that suits you. If you go to eBay's search page and do a generic search on "dog house", you'll get well over 1000 results, including dog beds, dog carriers, and dog tents -- in addition to actual dog houses. Lots of junk to wade through.

Here's a suggested plan of attack for winnowing down the results using eBay's overly "generous" search engine.

Do a search on "dog houses" with the quotes around the phrase. This will cut the number of results in half (I got 470). But there will still be lots of extraneous stuff in the results. To exclude things like soft crates, miniature Snoopy dog house models, pet beds, and mats, prefix these terms with a minus sign in the search box. Your query will then look something like this:

dog house" -"pet bed" -snoopy -mat -"soft crate"

If you perform the search again, the number of results will be further reduced but probably still not precise enough.

So, click on the Advanced Search link and enter a value for the Min price. The idea here is to exclude things like miniature ceramic dog houses and books on house training a dog. Pick a value that you think makes sense for what dog houses might sell for on the low end at auction.

I picked a Min price of $40 and this time got only 50 results. And most of them were actually dog houses. If you click on the Sort->lowest price first, the listings will be reordered with the cheapest dog house at the top. It should be a simple matter at this point to browse through the results and make a bid if you find a house that interests you. Note that eBay requires that you register in order to place a bid. Fortunately, it's a fairly simple and fast process.

Of course, if you know the exact brand and model, you can save lots of searching time by entering that info directly in the search box. If you've never used eBay, they provide a very comprehensive online Learning Center where you can learn all about buying, selling, not getting ripped off, etc.

Last step: Go buy that bargain dog house so Fido can stay comfy and warm at night!

Will Koval operates all-about-dog-houses.com, the authoritative site for learning about dog houses. Check out the dog house buyer's guide.

Tuesday, May 24, 2011

Does Your Dog Need a Flu Vaccination?

Does Your Dog Need a Flu Vaccination?

Canine flu is a relatively new strain of the influenza virus. It is thought to have originated from equine flu, which passed to Greyhounds and mutated into what is now a canine specific form of the virus. The questions for all dog owners are: Is my dog susceptible? What are the symptoms? And how can it be treated?

Is my Dog Susceptible to Canine Flu?

Since 2004, when canine flu first appeared, all dogs have been susceptible to it. However, as with any virus or disease, some people and animals are at a greater risk than others. As can be expected, older dogs, those with underlying health problems or an infection that compromises the immune system are more likely to contract the virus. In addition, dogs in these groups are likely to be affected badly by the virus and may contract secondary infections.

So, how does the virus spread? Well, as with all forms of influenza, the virus is passed from one animal to another. Therefore, your dog is at a greater risk of catching canine flu if he, or she, spends a lot of time in dog parks, kennels or veterinary surgeries. The virus can also be transferred by using the same food or water bowls as an infected dog. Alternatively, flu can be passed from one dog to another by human touch. Therefore, if you have handled a dog that appears unwell, it is important to wash your hands thoroughly.

Although it is currently believed that humans cannot contract canine flu, influenza viruses are constantly mutating, so, in time, it is not out of the realms of possibility that canine flu will effect humans. Currently though, we humans only need to worry about spreading the virus between dogs.

What are the Symptoms of Canine Flu?

Canine flu presents similarly to all other forms of the influenza virus. However, it is worth looking for subtle signs, as dogs may not appear 'unwell' until they are very sick. Symptoms that you may notice include:

    Lack of appetite
    A runny nose

Of course, these symptoms can also be a sign of kennel cough. However, in either case, it is wise to seek the assistance of a vet.

What is the Treatment for Canine Flu?

In most cases, dog flu is no different from flu in humans and will therefore pass within a few days to a week. However, as mentioned above, if your dog is already unwell or is elderly, there is a danger of contracting pneumonia, which could be fatal. Therefore, a large proportion of treatment for canine flu is guarding against secondary infection. This may mean a course of antibiotics and will almost certainly mean keeping the dog away from possible sources of infection, for example contact with other animals.

Other than that, treating canine flu is similar to treating human flu, it is simple a case of keeping the patient comfortable, rested and well-hydrated. Consequently, in the vast majority of cases a vaccine is unnecessary.

The canine flu vaccine has only been approved since 2009. It is given in the form of two injections, which must be administered three weeks apart. Unfortunately, this vaccine cannot prevent the infection of flu, but it will reduce the severity of the virus' affects.

At this time, The American Veterinary Medical Association does not advice vaccination in all dogs. Typically, it is only dogs that are at a greater risk, due to an already compromised immune system or those that are travelling to an infected area that are offered the vaccination. Therefore, if you think your dog may be particularly susceptible to flu and its affects, you should seek the advice of your vet.

Samantha Markham is a freelance writer, based in the UK. She is currently working for remmeer.com, an online supplier of unique pet products. Visit remmeer.com for a wonderful range of gifts for dogs and their owners, including dog breed treat jars and dog lover coffee mugs.
Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Samantha_Markham

Brain Cancer in Dogs, and Dog Cancer Symptoms

Although you treat your dog well and make sure that he eats right and exercises, you can be shocked to see that your pet has dog cancer symptoms. Sometimes you cannot prevent this, no matter how much love you have to give.

Now you have to learn how to take care of your sick dog and know the progression of cancer to help treat it. Brain cancer has no causes within medical science at this time. It is though that brain cancer is a genetic disorder in cells that mutate, but there is no cause that veterinarians are able to find.

Dog Cancer Symptoms for Brain Cancer:

Meningioma or brain cancer is a tumor cell that forms in different parts of the brain that can go from the base of the spine to any part of the brain. Mutated cells turn to cancer and continue to grow without treatment.

This type of cancer is always malignant, and means that it will always grow in the brain until your dog perishes from the cancer or the pressure on the brain that causes aneurysms. You should know and look for the symptoms to keep suffering to a minimum for your best friend.

Brain cancer symptoms in dogs include stress and aggression, shyness and depression or personality changes. You will also see lethargy or lameness as well as appetite changes and nose bleeds, heart trouble and coordination problems. Muscle twitches and facial or eye problems can also be seen. Early symptoms to be recalled to your vet include appetite changes, weight loss or personality differences.

When the cancer progresses, there are more changes and normally extremely weak muscles. Since the brain is the center for the body, when a small portion is troubled, it can throw off many other functions in the body like heart and lungs or immune system and the liver. The brain cancer can just as easily be a secondary mass that branched from cancer somewhere else in the body. Symptoms are normally determined by where the brain cancer is located on the brain.

Although you treat your dog well and make sure that he eats right and exercises, you can be shocked to see that your dog has cancer. Sometimes you cannot prevent this, no matter how much love you have to give. Now you have to learn how to take care of your sick dog and know the progression of cancer to help treat it., so treatment is vital to survival for your dog.

There are few choices in treatment such as surgery. But this is hard on dogs because the mass must be removed, and thus a portion of the brain is also removed that causes a lifelong effect. Many owners just decide to go with care and medicines. There are some medicines made to prevent the cycle of mutation that the cells go through in cancer.

This medicine doesn't reduce the number of already formed cells, but prevents the regrowth. This medication and radiation combined will need adjustments from time to time such as diet changes and less exercise for your dog. When your dog feels bad, they want to lie down, so always let them have more rest as well as those short walks. Realize that some of the illness they feel can be from treatment, and they need you to be loving to help with the vomiting and other side effects. Remember they can't help it, and they were always there for you when you felt bad.

Janet Markowitz has been a German Shepherd Breeder for over 20 years. She has always been interested in using natural and holistic remedies for her Shepherds whenever possible. She has found that by using natural Remedies in conjunction with conventional medicine, she has achieved great success in the health and longevity in her dogs.
Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Janet_Markowitz

Monday, May 23, 2011

The Lowdown on Dog Vaccinations

Over the last 20 years, vaccinations have generally been started in puppies at about 6-8 weeks of age, when the natural immunity inherited from the mother may start wearing off. A series of shots will then be given every three to four weeks, and boosters are administered every year after that.

On one hand, in the last 20 years few could deny that vaccinations as they are administered now have been quite effective. I mean, when was the last time anyone's seen Old Yeller limping down the street, foaming at the mouth, requiring the talents of the local sharp-shooter, Atticus Finch, to protect the panicking townspeople? I'm mixing my movie metaphors, but the point is these films with rabid dog scenes are set in decades past, and since then, rabies, and other diseases like parvovirus and distemper, have been successfully prevented in vaccinated American pets.

Vaccination Concerns Leading to New Trends

In recent years, the current trends in canine immunization and boosters have come under much scrutiny. With new vaccines becoming available with increasing frequency, and with more and more vaccines being given in combination within a single injection, many pet owners and veterinary professionals are becoming concerned over the possibility of over-vaccination, particularly with regard to annual boosters, a problem with potential negative outcomes of its own.

To address this issue, the American Animal Hospital Association (AAHA), in 2003 issued recommendations using available scientific evidence, as well as the clinical experience and expert opinions of a wide variety of animal health professionals. While not a protocol to be followed exclusively, these recommendations offer guidelines for veterinarians setting up individualized vaccination schedules for pets on a case-by-case basis.

New AAHA Recommendations

Basically, the AAHA recommends that vets follow all previous recommendations for puppy vaccinations, but to place vaccines for adult dog boosters into two categories: core (recommended) and noncore (optional).

Core vaccines would be administered every three years. (There is some evidence that suggests core diseases could be covered for 5 years or more with these vaccines, so three years was given as a compromise, a "better safe than sorry" approach). They cover the most severe and common illnesses.

1. Rabies

2. Canine parvovirus

3. Canine parainfluenza virus (in combination with other kennel cough- causing viruses)

4. Distemper

Noncore vaccines cover diseases which are not as common or severe, and may have at one time been given to most dogs, perhaps unnecessarily. The new guidelines suggest that noncore vaccines should be given on a case-by-case basis taking into consideration factors like the age and health of the dog, or his likely exposure to the infectious agent. For instance, you may not have to give a vaccine or boosters for Lyme Disease if your pet stays in your apartment and ventures out only for walks on concrete city sidewalks. Or, if ol' Max is of advanced age, the risks of some vaccinations may outweigh the benefits. Under these recommendations dogs would receive appropriate noncore boosters annually.

Finally, the AAHA listed three vaccines that it feels should not be administered at all.

1. Giardia- the vaccine for this disease does not prevent infection

2. Canine adenovirus type 1(hepatitis)- the vaccine for this disease can cause visual impairment in dogs, and type 1 of this disease is covered with the type 2 vaccine, which is usually given in combination with the vaccine for parainfluenza.

3. Corona virus- according to the AAHA, corona virus does not commonly occur, and when seen is self-limiting.

Since these recommendations are not intended to be "set in stone", and since canine vaccination is obviously a nuanced issue (read: confusing and complex!), it is wise to discuss with your vet the rationale behind your dog's vaccination schedule and follow his or her recommendations based on your dog, his health, and his environment.

Copyright 2005 Dina Giolitto. All rights reserved.

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Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Dina_M._Giolitto

Dog Vaccines - Understanding The Importance Of Vaccinations!

The importance of vaccinating your dog can never be overstated since it is very necessary to keep the dog alive. For without proper vaccinations the dog will die. Just like a new baby needs all the necessary immunizations to guarantee a proper health condition, your little puppy will also need the care of regular vaccination to keep it healthy and strong. Even if it is painful, causing the dog to scream and cry in pain, do not avoid it because it is the secret to a healthy dog's life.

These vaccines are small fractions of a disease given to the dog to avoid the infection of that disease in the future. This is one of the necessary things a dog owner should give the dog, as stipulated by the national health department.

There are only two types of vaccinations for dogs, Killed and live vaccines are their names. The version of the live vaccine available presently is the modified live vaccines, in this case the live vaccination has been modified so that the little portion of the disease injected into the dog's body will not cause harm but actually do the good it is supposed to do, by protecting and not causing the sickness it was supposed to avoid.

Killed vaccination kills the disease in it , prior to the injection of the vaccines. The reason for giving dogs these vaccines is to alert the immune system of the different types of diseases, so that the dog can develop immunity to these diseases and can never be affected by them in the future. This occurs by the production of antibodies in the blood system to fight against the onslaught of these diseases if they occur. It is very important for dog owners to visit the Vet clinic regularly for vaccinations, since each vaccine given protects the dog for just one year at most.

The frequent vaccinations of dogs are very important, since it protects and prevents awful diseases like, rabies, infectious Hepatitis, Canine Distemper, Corona Virus etc. from affecting the dog. The Canine Distemper is a disease that is capable of paralysing the nervous system of the dog, this is the work of the canine virus. The disease destroys about fifty percent of dogs suffering from it, with its main targets set on dogs between the middle ages. It does not affect old dogs or puppies at all.

The very popular rabies vaccines are another type of vaccines a dog owner should give to the dog. If the rabies disease is not treated in the dog it can be transferred to human beings through dog bites or saliva.The major characteristics behaviour of the sufferer of rabies is an over activeness, excess saliva output and uncontrolled behaviour.

hepatitis vaccine, unlike that of human beings is another important vaccination for dogs. It is a lethal disease that can cause death, so the vaccines should not be missed. This disease is transferred through stool, urine and saliva from one dog o another, it does not affect human beings, but can affect any dog at all, regardless of its age.

Corona virus is a disease that can be transferred from one puppy to another through feces, it is a disease that can only infect a puppy, so, older dogs are free from this disease. A vaccine is given to prevent this disease and it is also wise to stop your dogs from eating the feces of others.

Abhishek is an avid dog lover and he has got some great Dog Health Secrets up his sleeves! Download his FREE 80 Page Ebook, "How To Take Care Of Your Dog's Health" from his website http://www.Dog-Tale.com/192/index.htm. Only limited Free Copies available.

Thursday, May 19, 2011

Is My Dog Sick? - 5 Symptoms That Can Point To Illness In Your Dog

One of the reasons we hold dogs so dear is because even though they can't speak to us as humans do (which is often quite a perk), we are able to communicate with them on a deeper level. However, when you suspect your canine is sick, their inability to tell us what is wrong or where it hurts can be alarming. Here are 5 behaviors that often indicate it is sick and needs professional help.

Lack Of Appetite---Most dogs have a bottomless stomach. If it looks like food and smells good, they're always up for eating. If your dog is suddenly refusing to eat, this is often a signal that something is not right.

Before you panic, determine whether he is refusing all food or just some. Recently, our dog wouldn't eat his dry food, but would accept all his favorite table foods. With the vet's help we determined that it was a bad batch of dog food. We switched to a slightly different food from the same company, bought the new bag from a different store, and he started to eat again. If he is refusing all food, get to your vet quickly.

Unable to Keep Food Down----If your pooch is excited about eating but throws up, take a look at what is coming up. If the food is digested then you know it's making as far down as the stomach. If you feed dry dog food and you can still see the shapes of the kibble then it is not being digested by the stomach and there may be a blockage.

When our Golden was a puppy, he swallowed part of a sock. The elastic got wrapped around his digestive track and wouldn't let food pass. He had to be opened from stem to stern to remove the elastic.

Change In Social Habits---If you and family are usually greeted with great enthusiasm, or if he usually stays close to people, and suddenly you find that he is avoiding contact, this is definitely cause for concern. He may hurt somewhere and not want to risk that some one will touch him and cause more pain. Pain may also cause him to become nippy, and that means it is definitely time to get your veterinarian involved.

Lethargy ---A general lack of energy, little or no enthusiasm about things that are usually exciting, very little tail wagging, and dull eyes are generally signs that all is not well. Check to make sure that he is drinking the usual amount of water, and that clean water is always available whether it's from a bowl that you provide or from your toilet.

Urination Problem----Too much or too little urination is a troublesome symptom. Frequent urination can be the result of medications such as steroids, diabetes, urinary tract infection, or bladder stones. Too little urination can be indicative of a blockage in the urinary tract, weak bladder muscles in older dogs, or dehydration. All of these are serious conditions and call for immediate professional help.

If your dog's frequent urination is causing a problem with the way your home smells, see the air purifier designed to remove urine odor from your air at http://purerair.com/austin_air_pet_machine.html
Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Debbie_Davis

Sick Dog, Sick Cat - How to Help

Maybe your dog is sick or your cat is sick. Does it make you feel helpless and frustrated? It can be a lonely and challenging situation. Maybe you have a sick kitten or a sick puppy. This can be even more difficult when they look at you with those pitiful and longing eyes, almost pleading, "Help me".

1. Learn what you are feeding your dog or cat.

Is what we are feeding our cats and dogs causing us to have sick dogs and sick cats?  Who would have thought  that maybe what we feed our dog or cat can actually make our dog sick or our cat sick?

In reading the back of some dog and cat food labels, you can see "meat products" listed.  These "meat products" can include:  connective tissue (gristle), poultry feather meal, leather meal (like shoes and belts are made from), fecal waste from chickens and other animals, hair from cows, and hair from horses.  How nutritious is that for our pets anyway? 

Another consideration in looking at the food is the biological value of the food and how well is it absorbed.  Those things definitely have a huge impact in the short term and long term well being of your pet.  These two factors alone can cause dogs to be sick or our cats to be sick.

2. Change what you are feeding your pet.

If your dog is sick or puppy is sick, I hope you will being to educate yourself about how a dietary change can help them get better.  What if your kitten is sick or your cat is sick?  These tips can help you too.

When you learn more of the value of making your pet's food and the health benefits for your pet, you will be very impressed.  Veterinarians who teach their clients about the value of feeding your pet a fresher, more natural diet report some amazing stories of healing for the pets.

Here is one example:  (Names have been changed to protect privacy.)  Sally was a dog 8 years old whose health had been declining for two years.  She had foul breath, dull eyes, and very little energy.  After changing her diet from dry and canned dog food, she no longer had bad breath, her eyes are shining again, and she "prances around like a puppy".

3. Help your pet make the switch to the natural, healthier diet.

You can make a gradual transition, which allows the pet's digestive tract to adjust to the new foods.    You may want to begin with feeding the new food once a day for several days.  Another approach could be to have them fast for a few days.  This may be especially useful for those whose cats are very finicky eaters.  This time without food  can help your pet have a greater appreciation for the food, and the better advantage is that the time without food can actually help cleanse toxins from the body.

In conclusion, these are some "first steps" you can take to help your sick dogs or sick cats, or even your sick kittens, and sick puppies.   Watch for more information on this subject.

Hollye Clardy is a R.N. whose interest in alternative medicine has taken her into the field of holistic and alternative care for dogs and cats. She is dedicated to providing high quality information to help consumers with their cats and dogs. http://NaturalRemedies4Dogs.com or [http://NaturalRemediesForCats.com].
Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Hollye_Clardy

Thursday, May 12, 2011

Dog Supplements and Vitamins Can Prevent Medical Conditions From Developing

Many dog foods lack the appropriate nutrients a dog needs for a better quality of life. Dog vitamins are often stripped during the processing of dog food. Vitamins can make up for some of the nutrient loss. Absence of certain supplements can impair their health as well. Dog supplements are valuable when it comes to maintaining overall body functions and preventing serious health conditions from developing.

Omega 3 and fatty acids are important for your dog's health. These supplements come from cold water fish such as salmon. Omega 3 can be used to treat arthritis, cancer, and other conditions. It lowers your dog's cholesterol levels and protects them from developing allergies. Many of these problems are common in older dogs. Skin conditions are less likely and can be remedied with these supplements. They encourage the growth of hair and make their coat shinier.

Probiotics consist of useful bacteria and yeast that restore the balance of bacteria in your dog's intestinal tract. They combat bad bacteria that have become out of control due to drugs, dietary changes, inflammation, stress, and exposure to pollutants and allergens. The bacteria that probiotics provide defend your dog's body from harmful bacteria they eat or inhale. Benefits include preventing and treating disorders brought on by poor digestion such as diarrhea, vomiting, and gas. Intestinal problems have been linked to problems such as arthritis, yeast infections, asthma, food allergies, and skin irritation. Probiotics can prevent or drastically reduce the chances of these issues arising.

Omega 3, fatty acids, and probiotics are just a few of the supplements your dog can benefit from. Others like folic acid can reduce the effects of aging on the brain and other areas allowing your dog to maintain healthy functions much later in life. Many of the age-related concerns your dog may face could be reduced or eliminated with proper nutrition.

Vitamins can make a big difference in your dog's growth, development, and overall health. Various types of Vitamin B help enhance productivity of the nervous system, heart, metabolism, and red blood cell formation. They also promote healthy eyes, skin, and coat. Vitamin A helps with skeletal growth and immune system which guards them from getting heart disease or having a stroke. Giving your dog a multivitamin will make up for insufficient amounts of vitamins in their dog food.

Breeds and lifestyles help determine what nutrition needs your dog has. If you are uncomfortable deciding what to give your dog, you can always consult with your vet for information on the various products available and see what they recommend for your dog. However, if you have time and feel like your vet may not agree with supplements, there are plenty of resources available on the internet that can help you make a well informed decision. Any item that can prevent health conditions without requiring treatment and medicines can prolong your dog's life. Medications often have side effects and can actually bring on other health problems. Many natural products exist that can eliminate many of the causes of serious conditions allowing them to have better health without medical intervention.

Things such as dog vitamins [http://www.prouddoghealth.com/dog-supplements-vitamins] and dog supplements have been proven to help improve your dog's health. Many are available and you may have to do research on breed, size, and lifestyle to determine what ones will be most useful. Use of supplements can often eliminate the need for medical treatment which can sometimes be harmful for future health. For more information on proper dog nutrition and the best in dog supplies, visit ProudDogHealth.com and PremierDogSupplies.com. Thank you.
Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=William_Mac

Dog Supplements: Performance

Similar to us, people, our dogs also need some nutritional supplements to keep them healthy and be able to live in such environmental conditions. Dog performance supplements are essential if you want your dog to be energetic, strong and healthy. There are thousands of various dog supplements that you can choose from and you can even become confused by the range and variety available in the market.

So, how to choose the best performance supplements? First of all, bear in mind that this product should add the diet of your dog with useful nutritional ingredients that improve your dog's life. It is never late to start feeding your dog with the right supplements.

Supplements Enriched with Antioxidants are Considered to be Performance

In accordance with the vet info website, supplements enriched with antioxidants aim to fight the aging process in dogs, making them healthy in the long run, improving heart function, eye sight and joints work. Make sure that such components as grape milk thistle extract, seed extract, vitamin C and vitamin A are included in supplements that you are going to buy. Only in this case the supplements are performance. These ingredients will also strengthen your dog's immune system and will help to flush out all the toxins.

Multivitamins in Performance Dog Supplements

Multivitamins are another constituent of the best performance dog supplements that you choose. These will be enriched with great amounts of B vitamin, iron, folic acid, vitamin A and potassium. These vitamins will increase your dog's energy, will make its fur coat shiny and keep the skin in a healthy state, maintaining a proper function of muscles. Multivitamins which are taken in complex with a good and natural diet are enriched with proteins, fruits and vegetables, are vital for you beloved dog. They will satisfy all dog's nutrient needs.

Bear in mind that the best performance dog supplements should contain big amounts of nutritional components, green leaf vegetables, including parsley and mint that assist in freshening the dog's breath. Choosing a useful product for your beloved dog, you should think naturally, giving preference to supplements which include vital minerals and vitamins of animal and vegetable origins.

CPN is the best when it comes to canine performance supplements. When you see the CPN logo, you can be sure that you are feeding your dog the best and safest foods in the market. The Original PAAWS for Dogs is another option for your dog.

It is an innovative dog vitamin system. Created and patented by Dr Carol Osborne. The supplement combines all-natural components with the proven benefits of vital Vitamins and Minerals. PAAWS can restore k9 energy, decrease scratching and itching, reduce shedding, eliminate doggie smell and bad breath and fight the signs of aging in senior dogs.

Take into account also, that performance dog supplements provide calcium for strengthening your pet's bones. Performance supplements should be created on the basis of effective formula of the right balance of minerals, vitamins, calcium and other components. They are used to replace lacking nutrients in the dog's regular diet.

Many people have and love their pets and care of their health. Cats should be given cat supplements as this will improve their general health. Those who have dogs are also highly recommended to give them natural dog supplements. Of course, the best supplements are the natural ones. Take care of your pets and they will give you all their devotion.
Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Nick_Shu

Monday, May 9, 2011

Pet Cloning - The State of the Industry

Whatever happened to pet cloning? As early as 2005, there were a number of news stories about dog cloning and cat cloning. Animal cloning had been old news for nearly a decade by then, with the revolutionary cloning of Dolly the sheep in Scotland, of course, but Snuppy was the first pet, a dog, to be cloned. Cloned by scientists at a Korean University, Snuppy would have seemed to be a harbinger of a new revolution in animal breeding. However, the pet cloning market has been quite cool in the five years since the Snuppy announcement. Here, we review the state of the pet cloning industry.

Since the cloning of Snuppy, there have been a number of very successful clonings of pets and other animals. Lou Hawthorne started BioArts while cloning his beloved mixed breed dog Missy. Hawthorne was very pleased with the results of the cloning, producing three successful clones that were very alike to the original in character and behavior. In January, 2009, a Florida couple, Ed and Nina Otto, announced that they had paid to have their Golden Retriever Lancelot cloned by BioArts. They also were very pleased with the results.

Still, response to the cloning has been cool. When Hawthorne ran a contest to have people clone their favorite pet, he was surprised to find that less than 250 people entered the contest. In addition, Hawthorne found that BioArts' prices were undercut by Korean competition. While the Ottos were very pleased with "Lancey," their pet clone, it was difficult for anyone not to note the prohibitive cost they paid: $155,000 USD. In addition, many people object to the idea of cloning pets when there are many animals being euthanized every day at animal shelters around the world. There are also issues with some abnormalities in the cloning process.

All of this is not to say that pet cloning is not very different from many other technologies that simply took a while to catch on. Some issues are outlined below, along with a discussion of how those issues might improve in the coming years.

    * The price problem. All new technology is overpriced. For example, personal computers were not very affordable at first. Only after the manufacturing process was streamlined was it possible for every household to have a computer. How much room there will be for organizations to reduce the price point on pet cloning without broad demand is of course questionable.

    * People resist change. This is especially true when it comes to tampering with living things, in this case beloved pets. Yet, we have "tampered" for a long time in breeding pets and domestic animals. In fact, controlling the genetics of domesticated animals and pets is accepted practice that people pay top dollar for. Organizations like PETA (People for the Ethical Treatment of Animals) object to pet breeding. PETA claims that the American Kennel Club adds to the pet overpopulation problem by encouraging breeding pure bred dogs. Still, pet lovers pay for purebreds, and this is well accepted by mainstream society.

    * Demand may always be an issue. There are many great dogs and cats that can be found at the local dog pound or given away for "free to good homes" in classified ads. However, there is no limit to the value people place on a beloved pet or even on a sure thing. The Ottos are a good example of that, as is the practice of buying purebreds. If people can purchase a dog or cat with predictable behaviours and characteristics there is implicit value in that. There is a predictable market here, though it may always be limited in size.

While pet cloning has not taken off as some had hoped, it's clear that it will become a bigger market in the future and it will be increasingly viable for people to try this out. With the inevitable successes that cloned pet owners will have, the practice will become more widely accepted and it seems inevitable that there is a future for cloned dogs and cats.

John Huinink is the owner of Dogscloned.com a resource with a variety of information about cloning including pet cloning controversies, pet cloning services, the first cloned dog and more.
Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=John_Huinink

Pet Cloning Data

- Cryopreservation of dog semen for breeding, and of cells for possible future cloning. In San Marcos, California. 
- Thorough overview of the genome sequence as defined by the Broad Institute, including maps and clone registry.
- A project to develop resources necessary to map and clone canine genes. 
- Using a new technique, scientists have cloned clones from clones. [Scientific American]

Wednesday, May 4, 2011

Dog Supplements Use

As a rule, if you feed your dog in a proper way, it does not require any additional nutritional supplements. But there are dogs with special needs that need the usage of nutritional supplements. Senior dogs will also need some supplements as with aging their health may worsen.

Giving your dog the right food is commonly enough to plug in nutritional needs. If you have bought a new dog, you should consult your veterinarian as for dog nutritional supplements or which food is enriched with vital components and minerals.

Ingredients of Dog Nutritional Supplements

Phosphorous and Calcium are some of the vital ingredients which should be included into the regular diet of your dog, though they should be given in moderate dozes.

Sodium chlorate and potassium are other vital nutritional supplements. Salt and potassium are vital components for your dogs.

Also, make sure that your dog consumes the right microelements for proper metabolic function. This is especially vital for dogs suffering from excess weight. Use dog supplements enriched with zinc also, which is useful for skin and fur. For proper blood circulation a good dog supplement should include iron.

Use also other nutritional supplements which are enriched with cod liver oil and special multivitamins for dogs to make their skin and fur shiny.

Before making a purchase, do not overlook consulting a vet for the right dozes and the right ingredients that should be included into the dog supplements that you are going to buy.

These days the usage of herbal supplements has become very popular. They can fight many diseases and enhance your pet's health. There are a few important reasons why you should consider using them to benefit your puppy.

Herbal supplements are used to protect your animal from various health related problems and supply your dog with all the necessary nutrients. They can also help in enhancing the immune system.

The next crucial reason for using herbal supplements is that they aid in curing various diseases. You can buy natural herbal supplements which will be useful for your dog and have no side effects.

Herbal supplements are also known as great energy boosters.

In the end, they will enhance your dog's overall health. When your four legs friend has a strong health, he is less subjected to many serious disorders.

Today there is a wide range of different supplements that you can find in pet stores. This is the best way to make your dog healthy and happy.

Many people have and love their pets and care of their health. Cats should be given cat supplements as this will improve their general health. Of course, the best supplements are the natural ones. That's why those who have dogs are highly recommended to give them natural dog supplements. Take care of your pets and they will give you all their devotion.

Many people have and love their pets and care of their health. Cats should be given cat supplements as this will improve their general health. Of course, the best supplements are the natural one.s That's why those who have dogs are highly recommended to give them natural dog supplements. Take care of your pets and they will give you all their devotion.
Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Nickolay_Bokhonok

Tuesday, May 3, 2011

Dog Tool Training - 3 Different Tools To Use

Having the right equipment can make all the difference in dog tool training. The tough part is deciding what's right! If you ask three dog trainers about what kind of collar best then you will probably get three opinions. I think, the best piece of equipment for your dog is the one that works best for you and your dog. You two have to feel well when you are training together. You need at least one collar and at least one leash. I want to point out three of them. Lets have a look.

1. A martingale collar slips over your dog's head. The collar has to fit properly. When you then pull against it with your leash the collar will tighten enough to keep your dog from slipping out of the collar. but it will not choke him. It is a great tool in dog sports and a very effective thing to do dog tool training.

2. The choke chain collar is usually made of metal chain, sometimes in leather or nylon. Although many good dog trainers use choke chains without being cruel to their dogs. But it is extremely easy to misuse a choke chain and you could hurt your dog.And that is not what we want. In my opinion it is not a good dog tool training equipment.The dog may ignore it after a while and he could get injuries when you not put the collar on correctly.

3. Electronic collars or shock collars are seen by some people as a quick and easy way to do dog tool training. Most people use shock collars to punish the dog for doing something they do not want to do but the dog must know the command.If not he will never know what he has done wrong and there is no training effect. You need a little bit experience to use it the right way. Otherwise you may get more problems with your dog than before the dog tool training. The system itself works like this, the collar has an receiver and the human carries a transmitter.And when you push the transmitter the dog gets a shock. The range is about 300 yards. It is often used by hunters. A friend of mine has a shock collar for his hunting dog. But he never use it because the dog knows what could happen when he wears the collar. It can be useful to do dog tool training.

Okay, these are 3 tools. I use different collars on my dogs depending on the dog's age, level of training, individual personality, and type of the activity you want to do. Some are better for basic dog tool training and some are better for advanced dog tool training. So you have to decide what is best for you and your dog. If you both feel well then you will have fun during the training.

If you want to know more about dog tool training then you have to visit this site.There you can get all the stuff you need to handle your dog just go here http://www.trainingdog.de It is full of techniques and tips.Visit my Blog too and get even more tips http://trainingforyourdog.blogspot.com
Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Mirko_Van_Anken