Monday, April 18, 2011

How to Make Your Dog Sit

Everyone that has owned a dog can tell you that making a dog sit can be one of the easiest commands to teach your old dog or puppy. Others can tell you the total opposite. Dogs when young are naturally rowdy and active, its their natural instinct to do so. In the wild a more dominant or "pack leader" would correct certain behavior if unacceptable. Though dogs over hundreds of years have become domesticated, we still as the "pack leader" must teach our dogs how to submit when we are disliking or would like a behavior shown from our pets. These basic submissive commands are sit, down, lay, stay etc. The words can differentiate depending on what word you choose to use with your dog.

Dogs love to please, especially when young. The sit command really has one great and effective way of working. Depending on the breed, verbal praise is enough to reward a dog, while others with more hyper active temperaments will require small treats to retain their attention during the process. Always be sure the dog is facing you and looking at your face. Dogs learn most commands by looking at both the expression of our faces and pitch we command things. It is best to use a normal voice when training your dog. Never use high tone pitches because that will cause excitement in the dog, usually this will cause dogs not to be fully engaged in the training. Only show rewarding behavior or high tone pitches if the dog is being rewarded for doing something you commanded, never to grab his or her attention with a treat. If your dog does not seem interested after 2 minutes, try again later. Now that the dog is facing you, gently push on his behind while saying "sit." As your dog moves into a complete sit position, you may reward him by saying good boy/girl or giving him/her a treat. Do this repeatedly always saying the word "sit." Depending on the personality of your dog, most puppies and even full grown dogs can become stressed if the training session becomes too long and unpleasant. Always be calm and assertive. Your dog will easily become stressed when he or she senses your tone going into an impatient bossy tone.

If your dog does not stay in the sit position when pushing down on this behind, simply try again and again. The dog should respond quickly as the pitch of your voice and word "sit" become embedded in your dogs brain. If the dog gets up and does not hold the sit position, gently say "no" and apply pressure on their behind until he or she is in the sit position followed by a reward. These sessions should not be so long. Keep them short, 5 minutes about 10 times a day works best, rather one long session once a day. Remember to always reward your dog. Keep it fun and brief. Your dog is literally learning to understand new language so keep it simple by using one syllable commands and practice practice practice!!

Dog Geekz | The number one source for dog information.
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